Thursday, December 29, 2011

Diaper Lessons Learned

So yesterday there was a very important lesson learned by not only myself but Chad as well.

When changing a diaper:

#1 Do not leave the baby without a diaper on for any short period of time. Always replace dirty diaper instantly with a clean one.

In the middle of the night, I was changing Ellery's dirty diaper. I took off the dirty one, cleaned her all up with the wipes and then went to give her a kiss on her belly. Well she decided that it was then time to pee, and not just a little bit but flood the changing pad with her pee. I am still amazed it didn't get off the pad onto the bed where I was changing her. Next time, I will change, wipe, replace diaper, and then kiss her belly :)

#2 Give the baby time to finish before you change them. 

Chad that afternoon was changing her diaper and while using the wipes got pooped on. He heard her pooping and volunteered to change the diaper, however he did not let her finish apparently. So now we know when we hear her poop, give her about 10 more minutes, there is more to come.

Hopefully you all learn from our mishaps and don't get peed or pooped on by your baby one day.


  1. I think our baby girl saves those kinds of things for my husband. He's experienced a pee fountain and several poop explosions and she's usually good for me!

  2. I have been peed and pooped on already! The worst ones were the couple of times that Parker peed in his own mouth...doesn't have the perfect aim yet!
