Sunday, December 25, 2011

Diapers, Diapers, and More Diapers

Everyone has always heard about babies and their diapers. No one truly likes to changes diapers and everyone knows that babies go through a lot of diapers. How many diapers does a typical newborn truly go through in a day. Well in the first couple days home, Ellery  has had an average of about 6 pee diapers a day and the number of poopy diapers depend on the day. One day she had zero, but today she has had 4 of them already. So we are still trying to figure out how many we can assume she will have of those a day. All I do know for sure is we are LOVING the "Diaper Genie". It has made changing diapers so easy. We don't have to bag each diaper, or worry about bringing out the diapers to the outside trash bin, or having the smell of diapers around. It seems to work really slick.

We did get a good laugh today when we decided to empty the Diaper Genie and the bag with 2 days of dirty diapers was the same length as Ellery. :)

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