Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2 week check up...Hemangioma...

Today we had Ellery's 2 week doctor appointment:
Age: 2 weeks
Height: 21.25 inches
Weight: 8lbs 12.5oz (didn't really gain any weight)
Doctor Name: Dr. Brandes
Dr. Concerns: We are going to keep an eye on the hemangioma on the back of her neck. Today they actually did an ultrasound on it to get measurements and verify that is truly what is it. It was really scary taking your 14 day old baby in to get an ultrasound done. In the end they said they still think it is a hemangioma and the fact that you can move it means it isn't hooked on her spine. Dr Brandes even called Children's Hospital in St. Paul to get a second opinion on the ultrasound results and her own observations and they seemed to also agree that for now we will just continue to monitor it. (Chad and I took pictures of it so that we can have something to reference back to each time we check it.)
Dr. Advice: Start giving her 2.5-3 oz of breast milk at each feeding (we were giving her 2 oz) to see if that helps her gain weight. We will need to bring her back in next week, not for a full check up, just to get weighed and make sure she is gaining weight.

Today has been the scariest day yet as a parent. After our dr appt and ultrasound we sat quietly by the phone for hours waiting for the dr to call with her results. The whole time obviously I was thinking the worst was what we were going to hear. But in the end, even without a 100% for sure answer, we did get reassured that for now its just something to keep an eye on and the dr didn't seem like we should be worried about it. But how could you not still be a little's our little girl and of course we want EVERYTHING about her to be perfect and healthy.

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