My boobs are bionic. Seriously no one in the world must produce more milk than I do...it's crazy the amount I am getting. I have been pumping about every 4-5 hours now (every 3 hours was just getting to be too much and I know when I go back to work it is unrealistic to think I'll be able to pump that often). I usually get up only 1 time during the night to pump, and then pump again when I wake up and then a few times throughout the day and again once before bed. Last night, when I woke up for my middle of the night pump, I was able to pump 20 ounces between the two of them! If you don't know... that is a crazy amount. Then 5 hours later I got 12.5 ounces and then about 4 hours later I got 15 ounces. An average day Ellery is eating about 16-20 ounces of milk so all the rest is going in the freezer to save for when she needs to go to daycare. Well it sure is a great thing that we got another freezer because our little one is already filling up. Chad counted today and we have over 240 ounces already saved up... so like I said my boobs are bionic...Either that or I am part cow! Either way, the breast milk is great and healthy for Ellery, saving us tons of money and helping me burn tons of calories.
Ok, what are you eating so I can get that? Seriously, I was just sooooo excited to pump 4 oz. [2 out of each] and that's THE most. We went to Whole Foods and bought some Coconut Milk and some Mother's Tea. Hopefully that boosts. I know my baby is eating because he feeds for almost an hour or more on one boob [I pump out the other; usually an ounce to an ounce and a half]. I am just praying I don't need to use formula.